TSEN Membership ReactivationGot a lapsed membership to TSEN? Reactivate your membership here today!Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Name of Business / Organisation *Website / URL *Main Address of Operation *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeKindly list the main place of operation, or where you work from...Organisational Structure *CIC (Community Interest Company)Individual / Sole TraderUnincorporated AssociationLimited CompanyCharityCommunity Benefit SocietyCooperativeOtherType of Business *RetailArts and CultureHealthcareWellbeingSportsCommunityService (Legal, Financial, Marketing, Consulting, etc.)TechnologyEducationOtherActivity / What we do *0 of 50 max words.Annual Fees are linked to Annual Turnover (FY 23/24) *£1m to £5m - £150.00£500k to £1m - £90.00£100k to £500k - £75.00£50k to £100k - £50.00£10k to £50k - £35.00Under £10k - £20.00I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS FEE OPTIONS - £0.00What was your overall business turnover (commercial revenue + grant income) in the last reporting financial year? The membership fee is hugely subsidised to support those on low turnovers, and is linked to your revenue tier. If you want to be a member but would like to have a discussion about the various payment options, please tick the final option. NB. Random spot checks may be conducted.Payment Details *CardName on CardTotal£150.00How would you like to get value from the network? It's really important to us that we are able to support our members, and for our members to be able to support each other. Kindly choose what interests you below as part of being in the Torbay Social Enterprise Network: *I would love to meet other membersI would like to share offers and opportunities with fellow membersI would like to join future workshops & networking eventsI would like a business mentor or advisorI am interested in offering my skills as a mentor or advisorI would like help to set up my CIC or social enterpriseI would love some help to make my business more financially sustainableI would love some help to make my business more environmentally sustainableI would like to be buddied up with a fellow member to grow my local networksI'd love to cowork in the Social Economy HubOne of the benefits of being part of TSEN is the Local Spark newsletter where we share sector news and opportunities. Please tick the relevent box below to re-subscribe to it. *Re-subscribe me to the newsletterUnsubscribe me from newsletterWebsiteReactivate My Membership!